Glossary of non medical terms I heard from HD families
- Mithered"
Annoyance following a humiliating and irrelevant meeting with “ologist” who questions the right to exist or reproduce.
- "Addled"
Temporary and understandable state of confusion. Often misdiagnosed and wrongly medicated.
- "Cajoled"
Encouragement ,often lengthy, to reassure and steer a pHD in the direction of something that will benefit them.
- "Manipulation"
Steering a pHD ,who is easily led ,in a way that will not benefit hem.
- "pHDs"
People with Huntington’s Disease.
- "Committee"
Group of about ten people who take the credit for the work of about three people.
- "Serial Committee Member"
Person (doctors and others ) whose own insecurities cause them to need a constituency to look down on. More than one of them can clog up the machinery of an otherwise effective agency.
- “Advantaged in HD“
Anyone who is free to walk away no matter how difficult that could be.
- “Disadvantaged in HD“
Those with the disease or at risk who cannot walk away.
- Specialist
Dedicated and highly qualified doctor who has extra training and expertise in their chosen specialty.
- "Ologist"
The doctor or specialist whose expertise is of no real use because they did not listen to the pHD and family or their bias caused them to misread the situation.
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